Morning at the Office

General Convention

Friday, January 09, 2009

UMC (President Bush's Church) An Appeal on Gaza

An Appeal on Gaza

President George W. Bush of the United States has the opportunity to heighten the moral standing of his administration by using his remaining days in office to bring about an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a ceasefire that will effectively permit humanitarian relief to the civilians whose lives have been disrupted by the Israeli invasion of the Palestinian enclave. Military strikes are currently destroying homes, schools, and places of worship in one of the most densely populated places in the world.

Both an immediate ceasefire and full and unimpeded humanitarian access are desperately needed in response to this latest outbreak of military action. As bombs continue to explode and Israeli tanks roll across Gaza, diplomatic assessments of blame and stubborn adherence to failed policies are unacceptable. Decisive action is required to stop the carnage and to provide for Palestinians who for years have been virtual prisoners in Gaza, hemmed in by closed military borders on all sides.

The dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are compounded by years of political stalemate, periodic outbreaks of violence, and recently, 18 months of an Israeli economic blockade of the whole of Gaza, which has a population of 1.5 million Palestinians. A ceasefire that was agreed to in late June dramatically reduced armed attacks for months, yet humanitarian restrictions were not lifted.

The Bush administration still has time to take decisive action to persuade Israel to pull back from its massive military initiative, and to provide an opportunity for the people of Gaza to receive much-needed fuel, flour for bread, and medical supplies and spare parts for hospitals. The time is now for the Administration to join with other leaders in the international community in calling for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire by all.

The United Methodist Church has a long heritage of support for international law and equal rights as the basis for just and lasting peace for both Israelis and Palestinians. The church has also gone on record numerous times in support of the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from occupied Palestinian lands.

The General Board of Global Ministries joins with Christians, Jews, and Muslims in prayers for peace for the families and individuals affected by the current violence. We commend Global Ministries' missionary staff in Israel-Palestine for their steadfastness in serving persons in need, and in representing the Methodist commitment to peace in the Holy Land.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), a part of the board, will be working with partners to bring relief to the civilian population in Gaza.

Bishop Bruce Ough
General Board of Global Ministries

Edward W. Paup
General Secretary
General Board of Global Ministries

January 7, 2009

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