Morning at the Office

General Convention

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Jabberwocky, Senator Franken

The vote and the will of the people of Minnesota finally won out. Al Franken has his rightful place in the Senate of the United States of America.
But I have to admire Mr. Coleman a little bit. He stuck it out. He stuck out the process.
If Al Gore had stuck out the process he would have been President for at least four years. We would not have been in Iraq, and we would have had Mr. Ben - Laden at Tora Bora.

Al-Qaeda would have been severely broken back if not completely gone.
What I'm not sure about is the bulletproof majority the Democrats now have in the Senate.
Is it bulletproof against those six to 12 Democrats that so often vote with the Republicans?
The Republicans are scared to death of not being able to hijack the process and filibuster.
God bless the Democrats. God bless the Republicans. God bless the United States of America. God bless us everyone.
"O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!

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