Morning at the Office

General Convention

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sex and the Cities

Abram not only married his sister he lied to other men about her to save his life.

He threw away his first born because of the jealousy of that same wife who caused Ishmael to be born in the first place.

Lot was going to let his virgin daughters be raped by all the men of Sodom.
Lot's daughters had sex with him because they said there were no other men left on Earth. Of course they had just left Zoar a little town full of men.

Rahab, a prostitute, made it possible for the Israelites to conquer Jericho and eventually all of Canaan. She is an ancestor of Jesus.

David and Bathsheba and Uriah.

Solomon and all his wives that brought pagan practices to Israel.

If Joseph, Mary's betrothed, hadn't been a kind man he would have put Mary out on the street. Once the story became known she might have been stoned to death.
It's a good thing Joseph paid attention to his dreams.

Mary Magdalen.

There are others.
Which ones can you think of?

Guys, you think maybe it's not about the sex?

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